Category: Webcomics

Blogings about Webcomics, Art, tutorials and more

10 things your webcomic could be doing better

When we are starting up, and hell even when we are veteran webcomic creators, we make mistakes, take short cuts and overlook things. This can lead to sub-par performance in some aspect of our webcomic, hindering our efforts to build audience, community, and ultimately readership. There are definitely some things that turn webcomic readers off, and just fixing…
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Tutorial – Photoshop: Coloring Line art pt 2

This was a very long time in coming. 😛 But here you go. The first part of this is here.

2011 Convention Report summary

Instead of doing a whole bunch of individual summaries of my conventions, I figured I’d kind of wrap everything up in a single post. Present what I’ve learned, what mistakes I made, what I will changes for next time, and what I did right. For those of you wondering about my Convention exploits and how…
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On-Demand printer review – Ka-blam!

All us webcomic folks, at some point, generally get faced with the prospect of printing our comics. Because of our small print runs and almost non-existent budgets, we tend to opt for print-on demand provides. There are a handful that actually specialze in small run, on-demand comics. As a graphic designer who works almost exclusively…
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Webcomics: 5 tips for getting readers to interact

Its no secret that every webcomic artist loves feedback. Sometimes the only thing that keeps us going is that anticipation of appreciation or minute moment of glory when someone leaves a comment on our latest page. But it can be very hard, especially in the beginning, to coax readers to leave that feedback or interact…
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5 Tips on Hiring an artist for your webcomic project

It’s generally a known fact that there are usually way more writers out there in need of artists than the other way around. If you spend any time in any of the webcomic or art communities you’ll run into the age old problem of the writer trying to locate art talent to bring his writing…
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Webcomics: Preparing for Conventions

This is sort of a little more personal than some of my other articles, as I myself am feeling this one out after a few half arsed attempts at doing conventions over four years ago with friends or as a tag-along to get a sense of what doing conventions is all about. But it will…
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Webcomics: Making Webcomics that Stand out

It used to be, back in oh, say 1998, that it wasn’t hard to get noticed as a webcomic. Mostly because there just wasn’t the same kind of competition that there is today, so anything that was half ways decent could get a readership just by being persistent, it didn’t actually have to be good…
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Jan 2011 Search String Questions and answers

Search strings, otherwise known as “how people found your site on google” are awesome. You can get all sorts of interesting things pop up. With this site I get a lot of good and weird search strings. I thought this might be fun, since I get a lot of interesting search strings about webcomics, often…
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Webcomics: What if I can’t draw – part 2!

Recently, I’ve been participating in a discussion over on Drunkduck with a sprite comic artist who wanted feedback specifically from people who hate sprite comics. I obliged him. Although in the course of the conversation it became clear to me that there needs to be more awareness raised for alternatives to ripping sprites for those…
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